So happy and proud moment that two of our fujiwara students Madhurasan and Sarthak San has been awarded the Prestigious Japan goverment MEXT scholarship 🤗 omedetou gozaimasu
We are happy to announce that Fujiwara Japanese Language Institute’s student Madhura Ghosh has been selected for the highly competitive Japanese Government scholarship! As a MEXT scholar, the Japanese Government will cover her entire college fees and provide a stipend for the duration of her stay as a MEXT scholar. Only a select few from across the world get selected for this scholarship every year, so it is indeed a proud moment for Fujiwara Japanese language institute!
Here’s what she has to say about the selection process: �What can set you apart is having knowledge about the language and culture because they do ask you about it multiple times all through the process. There’s a Japanese language exam, and although it is optional to know Japanese, scoring well on the exam does put the ball in your court. And I was asked about what I know about the culture and the language and how I think I’ll adjust to life in Japan in the interview too. (Thanked Rumy sensei and Mahesh sensei in my head so many times during the interview hehe) �What I gathered from the entire process is that they’re looking for people who know what they want to do while they’re in Japan, are aware of what the culture and the customs are, and are willing to learn and give back to both Japan and India after their graduate level studies in Japan.
Madhura san was selected as a MEXT research scholar- one of the few selected from countries across the world. She will be pursuing her Masters in Sustainable Economy at Osaka University.
Recently, she also attended the India-Japan bilateral talk, where she met Hon Minister of Environment Nishimura Akihiro san. She has been working as a Consultant in the Ministry of Environment, assisting Hon Minister of Environment and Labour in research matter. We wish her very best for the bright future !!